H HTC Updates

Why the heck the manufacturer of a smartphone with WiFi insists on us using a PC to upgrade their kit I will never understand.

Can someone put together a quick summary of how to extract the cab files from an async file so it can be saved on the SD card and loaded directly on the phone? Preferably I would like to see the whole thing done without even a glance at a PC!

Read this whole page before starting!!!

Hot fix for resolving inability to download/open PDF files in HTC S620

If you are trying to download and view Adobe PDF files from the Internet that were saved using the newer versions of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Distiller, you may not be able to download/open them on the HTC S620. Please download this hot fix to be able to successfully download/open Adobe PDF files from the Internet

The file is at the HTC site (but you need to register your phone in the HTC Eclub to download it)

To find it: ( It took a little while finding it! Come on HTC! )

The file you are trying to get is called S620_PDFopen.exe

Installation instructions

Follow the instructions below to download and install the hot fix on your device:

* If you performed a hard reset of your device, you need to reinstall the hot fix after the hard reset

And now for MAC users and people for whom async is the pits (most of us?)

HTC unfortunately don't understand the concept of mobile internet. You cannotdownload directly onto your phone, even though tht wpoulfd be the simplest way!

The exe file that you downloaded is a PHONE exe file so async was only required to transfer it to your SD card. Just use your preferred method to transfer the file then run  it

I run a web server at home. Dead easy with apache or similar. When I download files I put them on the server and use WiFi on the HTCS620 to transfer them.

For some reason IE won't download S620_PDFopen.exe or S620_PDFopen.cab but it will download other cab files. I 
